Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Week 1 Digital Detox: Embracing Life's Slow Moments

I've integrated time to unplug from screens into my daily routine, as an effort to nurture both my mental and physical well-being. At first, Christmas shopping/FOMO, lack of sleep, and illness were plaguing me and drawing me back to my phone. It seems that my phone is my go-to default for every emotion and life scenario, but I'm determined to make meaningful changes that contribute to my life offline.

This morning, I played an impromptu I-spy game with my son as I got him off to school. We took time to notice the intricate details of nature around us. On my way home, I noticed a large hawk soaring and thought about how I wouldn’t have been able to see that if I was on my phone. It sparked a deeper realization - how many extraordinary moments go by unnoticed while we are on screens? 

The question lingered as I pondered the fine line between purposeful engagement and mindless scrolling. I thought about how life’s grandest beauty reveals itself in the slow and small moments. 

Yesterday, I was listening to a woman talking about visiting her sick grandmother. She said she felt guilty for not spending much time with her before then. The other woman said something to the effect of, that time is already gone, but you are here now and that’s what matters. That line hit me hard, and it felt so powerful hearing it.  

“That time is already gone, but you are here now and that’s what matters.” I want you to think about those words as you set an intention for your time today, whether it’s spending a few minutes walking in nature, journaling, calling a friend, visiting a family member, or simply enjoying a cup of tea. Whatever is calling for your body’s attention right now, get offline and go do it. 


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